You can become a homeowner!

Read this step-by-step guide to find out how!

You may have thought about buying a home over and over again, only to be overwhelmed about where to start. All you need to do is follow these simple steps and you CAN become a homeowner!

1) Get Pre-Approved

The first step to buy a home is to get pre-approved with a lender. Most lenders have online applications you can fill out with some initial information about yourself and your income. This step is SUPER important because your loan approval is the biggest factor when searching for a home.

Not all homes are suited for all loan types. Also, a lender can help you determine a payment that is comfortable for you and tell you how much you can afford to spend.

2) Call me!

Once you know how much you want to spend and what type of loan you’re approved for we can start looking at homes!

We can narrow your home search criteria down by location, lot size, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and much more!

3) Make an offer!

Once we find a home you love we can make an offer! That offer will contain your pre-approval letter to show the seller that you’re are ready to buy and you are approved for financing!

And there you have it! Those are the 3 simple, first steps to becoming a homeowner! Stay tuned for another post about what happens after your offer is accepted!

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